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Saturday, May 23, 2009
~ 5/23/2009 11:41:00 PM ~
Alas, I should have posted this entry this Wednesday, right after the HC investiture, with that particular sentiment and that particular mood, if only I didn’t need to catch up with my work. My blog has been wordy all the time, but well, I am just simply not used to use msn English here. So, here it begins.

Mentioning about HC Camp, a few phrases can describe it in more detail and vividness than an entire chunk of paragraph does. Memories of last camp, reflection of me per se, words of encouragement from peers, and intense pressure. They all came back. To life. The night we walked back from Tampines, exhausted we were; the night we disappointed our seniors, self-condemned I was, the pact of the three; the morning when we were late and were punished to run a 2.4k; the morning when I tasted salty and bitter sea water and had sands all over; the moment someone encouraged me as we ran back from jetty…

Looking at my juniors. Watching them in the eyes. They were struggling, sweating, shaking, and panting. No matter what, I kept recalling the past. It simply reminded us of ourselves. Juniors, I know you were trying your best, I know too well that you had been drained from night-walking and have not gotten enough rest; some of you were pushing yourselves to the limit, you could not complete the PT and your arms could support yourselves any more. Watching you all, I was in pain, but it is a trial that all leaders have to go through, it is about the determination in mind, which transcends mortal capability, about transforming each other’s encouragement as a form of energy and persevere, about achieving a miracle, looking back and discover that is not an impossible. Truly, I myself also had regrets. Tiong Wei and I spent some time discussing it, and thanks to him, his philosophy worked and I found my direction now. That is my experience during the 09 HC Camp, familiar, but more insightful.

The Investiture in the Auditorium was another main event for the 16th. After having our friendships for a year, it was hard to say goodbye. But as Cheryl has said, goodbye is never an apt word for this occasion. Regina Spektor has once sung in The Call (I always said that her voice was like an angel’s):

Now we’re back to the beginning
It’s just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can’t feel it too
Doesn’t mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
‘Til they’re before your eyes
You’ll come back
When they call you
No need to say goodbye

May the precious friendships and memories remain to an eternity.

Watching the juniors in my seat, I could picture the moment when we were standing on the spot where they were exactly standing. It made my throat felt uncomfortable. When I took off my House Committee Badge and pinned for Huang Rui, telling him about this 6-year-old Badge, I choked my words, for more than once. But when we cheered in the end, I cheered in the top of my lung. I knew this was my last cheer. I pictured Theen Yew telling the OGMs of Xcion in a fine afternoon of January that they must cheer as if this was their first and last cheer. This was the moment. The end. And I must cheer this way so I would not regret it.

A great basketball game on Thursday, with Jia Wei, Grace, Kirk, Ellery, Zhihao, Jun Yang, Wilson, Jovian, Thaddeus and Jerome (there should be more, but my apologise for not able to recall). I have not touched the ball for a long time, but some sense did come back when contact has been made to the ball. Even though I have no plan to train up for this so far, I knew I will, after As.

Napha Test yesterday. My friends said that we did not need to treat it so seriously since we are non-Singaporeans. But I did not wish to lower my standard because of this. This is an excuse for endeavoring. I tried hard and I knew I did not fail myself.

It is late now. Time to brush up my concepts tomorrow. Otherwise my physics tuition teacher will shake his head and sigh if I ask something that I am suppose to memorise next week. Adios amigos.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
~ 4/30/2009 07:27:00 PM ~
I need mood to blog.
I must be free.
I must have “blog-able” things to blog.
Fortunately, I have all of them today, how very rare and amazing.

Alright, I’m sure Jin Yong is not an alien name to all of you. He’s a famous Cantonese Wu Xia (Novels on Martial Arts) author in China, and in fact, in the rest of Asia where people speak Chinese. Singapore is no exception. For a matter of fact, I saw Keith read his novels last year. So yeah. Well, I’m not going to fill my entire entry with Jin Yong’s life story, nor am I going to talk about his well-known novels such as She Diao Ying Xiong Zhuan (Heros and Vulture Hunters) and Shen Diao Xia Lu (Legendary Vulture, Heroic Couple). I just want to highlight one point. In his novels, the Wu Shu masters always have one or two ultimate moves of their own, and not known by masters from other gangs. This results in masters trying hard to learn each other’s ultimate moves secretly in order to be more powerful, and eventually, invincible. I kind of borrowed that idea. Well, at least can draw some parallel between this and a floorball experience today.

Pardon me to be unable to go into the details since I’m an amateur in floorball and don’t know the terms they use for each technique. Mat, thanks for lending your floorball stick to me to play for a good one hour and a half. I played with Theen Yew first, by mainly trying to shoot into each other’s gate and score and I was beaten. Then he lost to Jun Yang. After which, I played against Jun Yang. I just cannot control the Bucky Ball shaped ball – okay, they are both balls anyway – but somehow I managed to observe a few moves from him, attempting to apply them and scored a few, while Jun Yang scored steadily with invulnerable defence and swift attack. But soon we lost count and fight for the ball, and I learnt a lot more staff. This is more fun than just simply trying to shoot into each other’s gate, what was of inconvenience was just that we had to search for the ball from under the sofas, tables and other trash whenever we lost it. Where was Kaizen then? With his Twilight. I didn’t go because Min Yun said she’s got the DVD. Whoever read the book said it is spectacular. I didn’t touch the book since I bought it. Well, I don’t think I’m reading it any time soon either.

Okay, I shifted the boring portion of the entry to the back:

I did not expect today to pass this way, especially when it seemed that my morning has been following a propensity of weariness. Physics lecture was boring, and I has been nodding off for a few seconds for several times before came back into focus. I did that when I sensed the lecturer was going to explain something important, because when I dozed off for that few seconds I was actually following the lecture. Not entirely though, and I actually regretted that I did not completely fall asleep during this lecture today. It continued on during GP, this caused me to be rather quiet during the lesson, and for a few occasions I just switched off. The teacher noticed, and asked me to present the answer. I was lazy to write down the answer previously, so I had to think while standing in front of the board. It was rather embarrassing, and I was aware that the teacher was watching with the corner of my eyes. But somehow I pulled through, and amazingly, my answer was not entirely wrong.

There was only one free period today, as my Chinese Lit teacher decided to add Reinforcement or Further Improvement lessons – whatever you call that – every week. And this free period is actually my lunch break. Knowing I was going to have a double Chinese Lit, a Maths and a Physics Mock SPA, I knew I had to get myself some coffee already. I say “had to” because I per se did not drink it often unless I had no choice. With stomach rich in lunch and coffee (next time I should switch to latte), I was super energetic in what was left of the morning, and of course, the entire afternoon. The Chinese Lit lessons revised a piece of essay written by a famous official in Jin Dynasty. Perhaps what you all have heard of are Qing Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, but yeah, Jin Dynasty was an even earlier era, and the essay was well argued. Or perhaps the reason why it aroused my interest today was that the teacher was better (this was an essay taught last year) or the effect of coffee.

We discussed about [modesty and inner peace] and [moderate ambitiousness] as well. The phrases in each pair of the square brackets describe a single word. It would be something even more bombastic and complex if I translated into Chinese, but this English version is the best I can come up with so far. We talked about how [moderate ambitiousness] can gain us altitude, and [modesty and inner peace] can provide us with gentleness. However, we can only apply the latter after achieving the former. It is logical as well. If there is no altitude and achievements, there will be no place – if not, then ludicrous – for Men to be self-contented and confident, because that confidence will be tantamount to inanity. Something profound and insightful right?

This holiday will be good, though my tuition teacher strongly encouraged to sit down and labour on Organic Chem during Labour Day. Hopefully I can have time to gym this week. Actually the chance is slim. I will most probably resume it next week before going for the Camp the week after.

Saturday, April 04, 2009
~ 4/04/2009 03:25:00 PM ~
I’d better update my blog before I forgot the password. Now I miss my home much more than ever for some reason indescribable with words. My family, my best friends, and the city I am so familiar with. Stream of consciousness always occurred to me. I know everybody has this stream of consciousness, but sometimes my consciousness, my memory can retrospect back for many years. Complex thoughts and emotion, are just like the montage, which actually means a rapid succession of different images or shots in a movie. Is that the last few stages of growing up? I do not have a single clue, but by guesswork, the answer is evident.

I subscribed a broadband from SingTel last weekend and I am euphoric, because I finally do not need to be disappointed by the poor connections in the hostel or going through the process of asking around my juniors to see if they happen to have a spare one. I will surely enjoy the leisure time spent on the Internet. Friendster, Facebook, Xiaonei (On-Campus), QQ, MSN…yeah.

Last year, school always ended earlier so I was able to use the school gym for fitness, but it is not the case of this year, I can only spare one hour or so on Thursday afternoon. The badminton school team is training there as well, so it is naturally slightly crowded, but not a big deal. Last year I my friends were not able to gym with me regularly. It is rather difficult to arrange a common time slot to gym or play basketball. But fortunately I have one this year, and both of us are improving faster than ever. Clarence has said that I eat, I happy.” Here I must add on, that I eat, I train, and I happy.”

Yesterday was Track and Field Day, Alpha Warriors have put in enormous effort in the races and cheerleading. Unfortunately, we were not privileged the moment of hoisting the trophy for the Champion of Cheerleading. But the Alpha Cheerleaders are always the champions in my heart, for the pain, the joy, the sweat and the tear they have experienced. This is the spirit of warriors, the spirit I respect highly of. Hereby I quote Mat, that the essence of creativity is to face failure with no fear. He is right. The Alpha Cheerleading 09 is the incarnation of creativity and delight. Perhaps they did not get the title this time, but for the initiative for innovation, the boldness, audacity of innovation, and the confidence of innovation, they are first class, and no one else can outdo them.

House Committee nomination has already started and HC Camp is drawing near, the event I has been longing for the entire year. The planning is on the way. Exciting, is it not? I just could not wait for that day to come, and after which I could blog about it.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
~ 12/31/2008 09:00:00 AM ~
Truly, as I have mentioned in the last entry, a November morning in Singapore is chilling. A bright, sunny December afternoon in China, however, is freezing. That is how it is.

I did not go out far in Tianjin honestly, apart from roaming in the circular (not exact) area with my house as the centre and one thousand metre as radius, helping to buy food from the neighbouring supermarket, and Crazy English magazine from newsstand opposite the gate of my residential area. I need to keep myself being dipped in an English environment all the time even I was away from one of the most authentic one is South East Asia. Oh, I also purchased some movies as well, and they might come from Somali if you know what I mean, because the movies were so cheap.

However, I did take a longer journey in Tianjin, on the Christmas Eve, because my best friend Tianyu’s house was outside what we called “Outmost Boundary”, meaning the most remote area in Tianjin, because it was away from the heartland. The houses there were grand, and they loomed into my view from the dark as Chenmeng and I walked into the residential area in the evening. Nevertheless, the security at the gate was poor in explaining directions. Left, right, left. Better than Left, left, left. Otherwise we would find ourselves have walked in a circle and came back in front of him. It snowed the day before, and everything was covered in icy, milky carpet. Actually it was more than my description. The snow had been so heavy that it made riding bicycles or even driving a difficulty. I say “we walked with snow crunching under our feet”, but I would rather prefer “we waded in the snow and had to avoid having shoes sunk inside the snow.”

That night, we had a potluck dinner, or Bring Our Own Food, if you still remember the still-not-too-old J1 students’ catastrophe just ended two months ago. Fortunately I did not think of that then, and I had a good appetite. The salad, grilled beef, pork and chicken on the table were very popular. The movie we watched that night was Zohan, a quite GP-friendly movie with a collection of facts about Obama, Afghanistan and Martin Luther King. It was a fantastic comedy, something much more than a PG of course.

That is all I can tell so far. I wish to stay at home, but I also could not wait getting my hands on the new semester, though I know much tougher things will be waiting, maybe I have to deal with the same thing again. But I know when the competition, which is against my will, is over, what is lost will be restored. Let's hope, or let's pray.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
~ 11/29/2008 03:20:00 PM ~
3. Drifting, Rafting and Kayaking

November is chilling, even for a country located on the equator and experiences summer all the time. Maybe this trace of chill is too slight to be felt indoors, but it would be another story if camping outside. That was what happened on the second day of the Student Leadership Camp.

Usually during the holidays, my “next day” starts at 9 o’clock. But this time I woke up 3 hours earlier. Or more. I was waken by the freezing rain at around four o’clock. But due to the weariness, I wrapped my windbreaker tightly around myself and went back to my sleep again, until six o’clock, when my noise handphone played the noisiest songs of the century. I purposefully picked them so I could be aroused.

I got up reluctantly, trying to fight off the fatigue. I saw Mr Heng went back to the shelter with his jacket and an umbrella in his hand. Maybe he just finished his morning jog? Very likely. At any rate, as agreed, we station masters met Mr Loh and Sherman at the summerhouse near the beach. I zipped my windbreaker from the bottom to the collar, but the icy cold wind found its way in anyway. We were briefed shortly, after which we were dismissed for washing.

I had no appetite in the morning. A result of waking up too early. But I knew that I’ve got to have some food in my stomach anyway, so I stuffed in one piece of bread, without peanut butter or jam. Salty, sugary or greasy food in the early morning made me feel sick.

When everybody finished their breakfast, there was a general briefing at the beach for the participants. They then proceeded to a hall near the boathouse of Changi Beach Park, where they were instructed by life guards or instructors or someone in between or someone doubled the two roles, about basic techniques of making a raft. It was mainly about how to tie a strong knot. The station maters were sian-ing (Shall I put a double “n”?) at the side. I was just eager to be in the sea and kayak. Enjoy the moment when the kayak was carried up and down by the tides. It had been a year since the last time I kayaked during OBM. But this time I was going to try out the single kayak. Shih Ying, who was in charge of the same station with me, had asked me about which type of kayak I was comfortable with, but I have no idea because I guess it was no difference for me. So he went to discuss with the chief life guard, who dismissed the idea of each of us three having a single kayak. The final decision was that I was going to kayak solo, whereas Shih Ying and Nadia took the double seat kayak. It was a good idea as I was no veteran of kayaking, so using single kayak with no necessity of two people’s co-operation would be easier.

Thus, Chong Keng a.k.a. CK, Wei Hao, Shih Ying, Mat, Paul started putting on the life jacket, followed by fetching paddles and kayaks. We had trolleys here for transporting the kayaks. During OBS and OBM we had got to carry the kayaks all the way from the beach to the boathouse. On the way to the beach, Wei Hao and I was trying to figure out what creative things we could say after saying “wa ka lah kong”, because the sentence was supposed to continue after saying that. It was first used by Theen Yew for fun during Student Leadership Congress, and now it seemed to have evolved into some sort of weird greeting for me and the ex-potential Delta House Captain.

It took another hour for the participants to carry their rafts to the beach. In the mean time I was staring at a wild cat at the beach. The cat was bored and was really tired of my stare. It walked away with a turnaround. But even so, it was still meandering at the beach area. It kept either licking its furs in front of its breast, or scratching its tummy with one of its legs. And I was bored of it. Shih Ying went forward and stroked the cat, which rather enjoyed it. I wonder where her kitty was.

All right, so now it began. When the signal was given, all the station masters went into the sea. In the kayak. =D. I got a lot of sand on my kayak and my legs. Shih Ying remarked that it was sandy. Sendy was not here right? Okay, okay, it is lame. The rafts were coming, and we gave instructions to them: roadblock: leave one person or one oar? Actually I reckoned that leaving one person was the same as leaving one oar right? It just that the raft would be lighter. Anyway, we had got to keep kayaking back to the original position because we were drifting as the effect of the current. Zai You had warned us about it, but I did not realise that it could be so powerful! Especially when we had to kayak against the current. Shih Ying gave me suggestions of using the technique of stern rudder so I could quickly resume paddling forward without being slowed down too much. If I used back paddling it would be another story. But at that time I did not quite get the hang of it, so I could only use back paddling tentatively. While we were heading back, the participants called us back, as they thought we were running away. LOL. Actually it was quite a struggle for them, as the rafts were slower than kayaks, and they had got to fight against the current as well. But sometimes the current could be used as well. For example, we I was talking with Guo Rong’s team, the raft was carried slowly to the shore, which was exactly what our station required them to do. Although they had to start again as they left neither a person nor an oar to me.

While we had to take care of staying inside the boundary, we had got to be careful of single-minded fishermen as well. There was one man, whose race was not to be mentioned as we must uphold the spirit of racial harmony, insisted to fish with one of our raft in front of him. You can guess the result right? When he hooked one of our participants, instead of saying “Are you okay”, he yelled, “This is my father’s fishhook!” Oh, so this kind of people was actually the heirs of their fathers’ legacy. But as the Jack Neo movie I Not Stupid Too had said, “I do not give fish to students, I want to teach them how to fish.” Sadly, this fisherman’s father forgot to teach him this important lesson, and I guess the title of the movie was wrong for this particular man’s case. It should be the direct opposite.

When our station was not patronized, I learnt stern rudder from Wei Hao, who demonstrated it. The sea trip was so fun!

We cleaned the kayaks went the activity was over. It was a burning noon. The sun was high. So we wetted each other using tap water while cleaning the boats. Mat and I went to the taps next to the kayak cleaning spot and showered by the icy water while we were fully dressed. Shiok!

To be continued: 4. Titanic Five – Tug of War

Monday, November 17, 2008
~ 11/17/2008 07:32:00 PM ~
1. The Trip Began

The second event was Student Leadership Camp.

The story started in the evening, when a few of our Alpha HC people, Mat, Theen Yew, Crystal, Teresa, Tiong Wei and me were sitting around a table in the hawker centre opposite the College. Most of us ordered shrimp noodles. Everyone was exhilarated about the upcoming Camp.

Back to school, in the Sports Complex, Mr Loh asked all of us to collect booklets and T-shirts. The design was done by Clarence, in the library to be specific. But that would be another story. Later, we organizers, which mainly consists of SC, HC, SportsXcel and OAC people were grouped together and shared our five strengths, while over hundred participants were having their ice breakers. After the sharing session, we were free, and it was now the participants’ turn to be explained about their strengths. Ms Kwan, Ms Norsheha, Mr Heng, Mr Loh, Mr Lim, Mrs Ang and Ms Chong were there. In the meantime, many of the HC people went to CR 106 to store their belongings that were not needed for night orienteering and the next day’s rafting and team bonding session.

I did not leave anything in CR 106, since I deemed that after team bonding tomorrow the Camp would be more or less done. However, I went there with Mat and Krystal anyway, just for the fun of it. When we headed back to the Sports Complex, I was still with my two bags. One was an exceptionally large travelling backpack which was bought for OBS in 2006, and one was my old school bag. And I still had two additional shoe bags (Orientation 2008) hanging from both sides of my backpack, which made Mr Loh joked: “Ni zai gan shen mo? Yao hui zhong guo ah?” (What are you doing? Are you preparing to go back China?)

Mr Loh was one of the busiest persons during the Camp. He had to transport a lot of equipments, materials as well as, humans between the Campsite at Changi Beach and the College with a rented lorry. A handful of the organizers such as Theen Yew, Mat, Eunice, Dinesh and I were not in the first batch that were to be loaned onto Mr Loh’s lorry, since our Stations were not the immediate ones. After Mat, Dinesh and I bought canned drinks from the vending machine, the rest of us organizers were transported by two other teachers who drove.

After getting lost at the Air Base area, Mrs Ang managed to drive us to the Campsite, where a big shelter had been set up and groundsheets had been spread out. It was around ten at night then.

We lay under the shelter for a while, and chitchatted a bit. I realised that I was surrounded my many SC people, not my usual acquaintances. But that could be the start of HC blending with SC. Cheryl was glad about that when the Camp ended. Oh, sidetracked – many of them then went to wash.

Dinesh had been off for 7-11 for a while when Mr Loh appeared and asked about him. Now Mr Loh left his packed dinner on the ground and gathered all the organizers at the Campsides (the rest had been left at respective Stations). Okay, the adventure had started at this point.

2. The Darkest Challenge

A lorry was driving on the slightly deserted main road. The wind produced by the fast travelling lorry was cooling, and it was so strong that our hair was blew backwards. And then we went abreast with another lorry which was full of dark foreign workers. We looked more or less the same. Shall we wave at them?

No more jokes, because here came one of the most haunted place in Singapore. The lorry left the main road and dashed into a dark uphill path. The path was not lit by any streetlamps. Only dark woods. Dark bushes. (Oh, no, dark bushes does not mean Obama and Bush!) Anyway, it was really tranquil in that area. And a bit bone-chilling and blood-curdling. The buildings were white. And it could be seen clearly in this particular night without moon. Yes, white buildings. Dark windows. Like hopeless eyes of nothingness. Of unknowns. A haunted place. Old Changi Hospital. It was not known why the Hospital has moved. But we were here anyway.

The lorry came to a halt at the dead end. The outline of a gate was visible in the darkness, as well as the silhouette of the morgue. Another car was already there. We jumped off the lorry and met Ms Ang, Mr Heng and other teachers. It was drizzling. Not that cold, but the icy silky tiny raindrops irritated me. We were all equipped with umbrellas and Mr Heng made sure we had teacher in-charges’ contact numbers. We reassured them not to worry. And the next minute they were gone. The car and the lorry disappeared from our sights. The red lights mixed with the darkness.

We were alone.

Mat, Dinesh, Theen Yew and me.

Just four of us.

The morgue.

I suggested to sit back to back so we could watch for each other’s backs. Having backs to unknowns gave us a sense of insecurity. We did not lean our backs to another wall of wire-net either simply because the thin wires could not be trusted.

So we sat in the open, a bit further away from the wired wall, and much further away from the morgue. We did not go anywhere near it at all. Beneath us was the tar road. Well, it was so not challenging. But that was what we did then. We sit under four umbrellas. Dinesh switched on his torchlight and shared his chocolate with us. So we crouched underneath the umbrellas and ate in a pool of orange light. Such a cozy night huh?

Now I will skip the details of the game and focus on the progress of the night instead.

Before the first group came, we heard people talking from the direction of the morgue.

At first, I thought there was another path there. But it seemed to be impossible. They were waving torchlights and laughing loudly. As they went out of the morgue and met us, I sensed very strong cigarette smell. This was a group of teenagers who were naughty enough to play games in the morgue in the middle of the night. Maybe they were more than teenagers. Some of them seemed to be drunk. One boy came forward and sat with Theen Yew. He looked rather sheepish, and was obviously asking for Theen Yew’s name. Theen Yew identified himself as “Michael”. Another guy approached Dinesh and claimed that we were daredevils. Wow, he was apparently drunk. But they soon took their leave and disappeared.

This is only the first wave. Second wave soon came. A black car rolled in. Its front light lit the bushes before we had a view of the car. It went passed us for a few metres and halted. The driver winded down the window.

“What (are) you guys doing here uh?” He enquired.

Theen Yew explained to him. He did not reply. “Are you patrolling?” Asked Theen Yew.

“No, I’m just driving pass.” Said the driver. Bah, you drove into the dead end of an old hospital premises? I think not. But the driver started the engine again and reversed. The second wave ended.

The third wave was before we started another round of game. One car and two motorcycles were parked in front of us. Three people went into the morgue. Well, people had had so much fun in that place. A belated Hallowe’en party? Anyway, when they came back, we were forced to call a stop for our game in order to make way for the vehicles.

We went back with the last group of participants. Washed, I lay in one corner of the groundsheet and drifted into sleep on the hard ground.

To be continued: Drifting, Rafting and Kayaking

Saturday, November 15, 2008
~ 11/15/2008 11:04:00 PM ~
Okay, okay, Project Work delayed my blog update. Now I am about to share two events. They will be in my memory, vivid as ever, forever. But when I read them, in form of blog, I find it extraordinarily appealing as well. And, oops, I almost forget, apologies for not updating the Danger of the Trump. I think I will resume to that task some other time. There are still plenty of things to manage until the end of this year.

All right, here we go. I feel as if I am taking a vial of memory and am about to pour it into the Pensive. Anyway, this is a piece of memory that happened two weeks ago.

It was still early. Six in the morning at most. I was not sure, because I was still in bed. But that friend of mine was already busy. He still had his last pile of belongings to put away. Maybe into his travel case, maybe literally “away” meaning “discard”. Qi Long had already got dressed and walking back and forth in the room. Everything else was as silent as the night, or what was left of it.

I stared at the ceiling and did not get up. I was pondering, and only got up after a while. This friend of mine was flying back to China. He was sent back. And I did not know what was the chance of seeing him again. All of us felt pity and distressed about it, because the sixteen of us had been together since 2005. Friendship is hard to break. Friends are hard to be separated.

Qi Long and I helped him to bring his cases down to the front yard of the hostel. Three of us bought some light breakfast from the vending machine in canteen. Qi Long paid for his. Most of the remaining sixteen had been in the Airport already, waiting, waiting.

The air of dawn was chilling. I was not cold only because I wore two layers of garments. One T-shirt and one short-sleeved shirt. If you have been in Victoria School, you would have known that there are bridges across the channel, connecting the school premises and the roads. I stood on the only bridge that was open and waited for Mr Ng to turn up. I looked around, the streets were still lit by lamps, and trees were shrouded by thin mist of November morning. At about ten to seven, Mr Ng’s car drove across the bridge and three of us were in soon after. This friend of mine was silent during the short journey to the Airport.

We reached our destination just when the dawn broke, and over the mobile, I arranged the rest of the people to meet us at Checkpoint 9 of Terminal 1. The girls were delighted to see him again, even though it will be seldom for us to meet him in the future. We surrounded him, and in seconds jammed the flow and the people who were queuing thought we had jumped the queue. Mr Ng had to use Chinese to explain to them the situation.

So we moved to a resting area beside the checkpoint. One of the girls suggested each of us to saying something to bless him. So we did. I had nothing much to say, since I had written them down on the first page of a Vocabulary book. He always wanted it. So I gave him. The same girl now suggested to sing a song before he took off. So the girls did. But the song never finished. It was cut short halfway, as that girl, who was always have a big smile, started weeping. I was shocked. But she simply did not care and cried and cried. So now the situation was that the girls started sobbing, this friend of mine, as well as the rest of we guys did not know what to do. We were just standing, as statues. Qi Long was the most silent of all, but I knew that his misery was kept deep inside.

Chang Cheng hurried to the crowd a bit later. He was overslept. A roommate, from the north-east of China. It was known as a rather freezing place in winter. My friend was pleased to see him.

Mr Ng soon came back, informing him that it was time to bid adios. Suddenly my throat felt tight. We followed him to the entrance of the Passport Control. For him, it was an entrance. For us, it was an exit, an exit from our world. Our eyes followed him to the Passport Control point. Waving. With concern. With sorrow. With pieces of wonderful memories in our minds…Truly, friends are hard to be separated, but friends remain friends even to be separated.

'Knowing Him

ta1d/06, 2a/06, 02/08
artivity club,science council,16th alpha hc member
likes:basketball, scorpia (book), English
wish list: make friends as many as possible,basketball shoes,go to Britain, to be a good basketball player
motto:a man is not made for defeat.a man can be destroyed but not defeated.

'Tag Me

'Eternal Friendship

-Chun Siang-
-Ge Lin-
-Jia Wei-
-Jia Wen-
-Jie Han-
-Jonathan Peh-
-Jonathan Pung-
-Jun Xiang-
-Jun Yang-
-Liew Xun-
-Nicholas Eng-
-Pei Yi-
-Peng Ho-
-Phay Key-
-PRC Writting Blog-
-Shi Yan-
-Soo Hiang-
-Tiong Wei-
-Wei Quan-
-Xin Zhi-
-Yi Heng-
-Yi Xian-
-Ying Xuan-
-Yu Hang-
-Zhi Yang-

'Road of Life

September 2006; October 2006; November 2006; December 2006; January 2007; February 2007; March 2007; April 2007; May 2007; June 2007; July 2007; August 2007; September 2007; October 2007; November 2007; January 2008; April 2008; May 2008; June 2008; July 2008; August 2008; September 2008; October 2008; November 2008; December 2008; April 2009; May 2009

Blame - Transluzent feat. Carla Vallet